Saturday, July 18, 2009

Little blessings!

I've been waiting to add a new post because I've been meaning to take some pictures but I haven't done that, of course. So, while I try and catch up on the camera action, I figured its time to start being thankful for the little things or I'm going to drown in my whining about this @#$*ing heat!

1- I figured out how to install a digital thermostat in my place, all by myself, WITHOUT electrocuting myself and now I know EXACTLY what temperature I need to stop sweating.

2- Some really nice young 20 something kid at the oil change place decided that my total for the day was "$ a hug and a smile.00". This was after a very smelly, barely clothed, snaggle-toothed woman came running in yelling "damsel in distress!!!" because she broke down on the highway, who was followed by an overdone grandma who marched in, stepped in front of me at the counter and shoved her keys in his face. I'll take free any day, poor kid...

3- My mom drove all the way to Page to bring me my 4 legged furry kids and had spoiled them rotten!

4- My 4 legged kids acting like its a freaking celebration EACH and EVERY time I walk in this door, no matter how hot it is in this place and in spite of the fact they have no yard to play in.

5- Walmart having juice on sale for $1 and my favorite steak marinade that I haven't been able to find in 2 years. Too bad I left my barbeque in Huntington. Oh wait, I can throw the steaks out on my freaking driveway. Thank heaven for marinade!

6- I just found out that one of NICEST, MOST POSITIVE people I've worked with for 2 months has cancer for the second time. He has never mentioned he is sick or in the middle of treatment! He also used to be a MONK, (is that how they spell it?)how interesting is that?!?! People amaze me...

7- My favorite little boy on the planet turned one last week and I found my beloved, treasured childhood book when I was buying presents for him-- The pooky little puppy!

Thats plenty. I have decided I need to be more grateful and thankful each day. I'll post pictures soon.


Mackenzie said...

Hey Lisa! So glad to have found your blog so I can get all your updates.

It is so nice to be able to sit back and count the little blessings now and again. Somehow that makes the challenges in life a bit easier to endure well.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I need to know details about everything. I haven't talked to you forever and am having Lis withdrawls. CALL ME!

sachia said...

Oh good Lisa your back! It's been awhile since I checked your blog but you NEED to write more posts more often...your such a good writer (always have been). K, that's my plug and thanks for inspiring me to be grateful about the little things and reminding me of pooky little puppy.