Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Bloggers BEWARE...

Okay, when I started looking at my friends Blogs every once in a while I'd see posts about being "tagged". I didn't know how you got tagged but I assumed it was like "steal the bacon" from Elementary School. Guess not.
So, for my new virgin blogging friends like me- What it means is, BEWARE!!! It takes the fun out of going to your friends links because there is the slightest chance your name will be at the bottom of one of their entries! I have been tagged for the first time so I will play along....

7 Random facts about me:

-I actually said prayers to win Publishers Clearing House. Is it even still around? I wonder if I still have a chance... I am a total bargainer, ooops.

-I love batters! Cake batter, cookie batter, pie dough, cinnamon pluck-it, you name it!

-I think I have split personality disorder. You are probably laughing because YOU know I do and you're wondering how it took me soooooooo long to figure this out.

-I CRAVE good, hard, can't breathe, uncontrolled snorting, make you cry BELLY LAUGHTER

-I really wish I could go live in Africa for a year on a safari

-I like to mix my corn and mashed potatoes- learned that from Uncle Bob

-I am at the point where I am truly considering marrying a short, fat, bald, (but please not smelly) middle aged man... Anyone got a rich uncle they want to auction off? As long as he can still breed, lets talk :)

ALRIGHT... Since I want you all to be prepared and get your practice... I'm tagging COLE, SACHIA, MARSHA, THERA, AMY and KRISTI. I think the rest of you have been tagged before. If not... Tune in next time... :)


sachia said...

oh crap. i just got tagged and i'm one handed! give me a day or two....i'll come up with something special just for you!

Amy said...

Hey Lis! I had already been tagged for this...kinda! You can read it here!
I too crave belly ache laughs where tears are streaming down my face. It just doesn't happen enough!

Leigh said...

Hey Lisa! I love your blog. You're hilarious! Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, but here's Steele's # 805 714.8994.

Hey, I have a short, fat bald guy I could set you up with, it's Tommy's brother, but he just came out of the closet. Darn!

lindseydenison said...

I have been out of it lately...but I just caught up on your blog, and you are a riot! I laugh every post, and I can totally hear your exact voice saying what you wrote! Classic! XOXO -Lindsey